How to Change Limiting Beliefs in 60 Minutes

Discover seven steps to change the limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind that interfere with the law of attraction.

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Metaphysical Secrets for Deep Sound Sleep

Sleep is a mystery of consciousness. It is essential for the harmony and communication between the physical (body), emotional (thoughts-feelings), and spiritual grace (life-force energy). Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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How to Connect More Deeply With Others

Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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Unlock Your Heart: Becoming a Conduit of Compassion

Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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Loving the Unlovable Parts of Ourselves

Lifetime Access! Discover the topics discussed in the "Learn More" tab.

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End Procrastination Now: Nine Secrets to Overcome Resistance to Change

Discover the secrets on how to create positive and permanent change in your lIfe. How do you it? Learn why you resist change and what you can do to begin creating positive and permanent changes in your life NOW! You'll have full lifetime access to this powerful life-changing course. Watch the introduction for free under the "Learn More" tab.

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The Magic of Forgiveness

Discover the miracles of magic that forgiveness can provide in your life. Learn the 7 questions to ask yourself to determine if you're ready to forgive and the 7 steps toward forgiving yourself and others. Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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Awaken & Deepen Love • Intimacy • Caring

Explore the power of love by opening your heart to awaken and deepen your ability to love yourself and others. Michaiel unfolds new levels of love, intimacy and caring to allow for greater personal fulfillment. Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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Building Inner Power: How to Develop Solid Self-Esteem

Genuine Power comes from the way we choose to live our lives day-in and day-out. Self-esteem is an essential key to move beyond struggle, attract positive experiences into your life and fulfill your dreams. Self-esteem is something that effects you all day long and can be a major change toward greater success. Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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5 Metaphysical Secrets to Move Beyond Stress & Struggle

Launch a whole new perspective and be able to change from the core of your being with these 5 powerful secrets to help you move beyond stress & struggle. Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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Manifest a New Job • Career With Metaphysics & Law of Attraction

Utilize the power of your mind and energy to be at the right place at the right time to manifest your next perfect job/career. A powerful and easy method to align your mind with the law of attraction to easily manifest your next nob/career. Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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How to Attract Growth Oriented Friends

Learning how to attract and develop rewarding new friendships is an essential part of a rich, soulful life. You can heal your resistance to finding and developing loving friendships and intimate relationships. Discover the art of manifestation and learn how to attract new connections that can help you to feel more love, while fulfilling your empowered destiny. Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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Unlocking the Mystery & Magic of the Law of Attraction

Discover how to align and tap into the law of attraction to create greater health, improve relationships, and increase abundance and prosperity. Discover the art of manifestation and learn how to attract anything you desire by utilizing the law of attraction. your empowered destiny. Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction video for FREE in the "Learn More" tab.

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Awakening Joy to Accelerate Your Spiritual Journey

Awakening joy can deepen and accelerate your spiritual journey toward creating more freedom, love, and personal fulfillment.

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Secrets of Spirituality for Beginners (Volume One)

Unfortunately, religion has tried to capture and manipulate your spirituality, your private and personal relationship with the Divine.

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5 Metaphysical Steps to Reverse a Health Crisis

Learn five steps to create balance & ignite your life force energy for healing.

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Releasing Guilt & Undeserving

When you understand how guilt offers nothing positive, you can begin to take your power back and end it's debilitating self-punishing impact in your life. A life free of guilt and worry, oh the possibilities are endless.

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Understanding & Releasing Anxiety

This course is a popular topic in the emotional intelligence series. You'll understand anxiety and learn how to release its debilitating effects on you.

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The Journey to Become Your Empowered Self • Intensive Course to Unlock Your Ultimate Potential

Lifetime Access! Watch the introduction for free in the "Learn More" tab.

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